Worth Mentioning...

What a shock: Women were more excited about Valentine's Day yesterday than men. How do we know? Twitter! Women tweeted nearly twice as frequently as men about Valentine's Day, and only 11% of the tweets were negative. For men it was 23%. Can we just all agree that Valentine's Day will never be a holiday men fully get into?

Great read if you have time. Shine talked to a former writer for Hallmark about the secrets to writing a good Valentine's card. He says men go for flashy, women go for sentimental. He says there are rules, too, like staying away from "soul mate" terminology, or avoiding the word "love" in favor of "special." The word 'special' can mean anything from "you're the most beautiful person to me" to "I'm glad I don't live that close to you anymore." Check it out here

Whitney Houston's funeral will be held Saturday at her family church in New Jersey. There was a rumor that a large public memorial would be held at Newark's Prudential Center, but the family has denied the rumor and said there are no plans.

Get this: Even though Whitney sold more than 200-million albums and singles, had 11 #1 hits, signed a $100-million contract with Arista in 2001, and made $36-million from her 2010 tour, the Huffington Post has a label insider that claims she "was broke" and had been borrowing money from the label "for quite some time." source

A new report found about 1 in 8 U.S. voter registrations contain significant errors. The study found about 1.8 million dead people are still on the rolls and many are approved to vote in multiple states.

Five Quotes to Get Over a Breakup

If yesterday didn't go as planned, now you're waking up single, here are 5 quotes to help get you through...

"I don't miss him. I miss who I thought he was."

"'Tis better to have loved and lost, than to live with a psychopath for the rest of your life."

"It's been real.
It's been fun.
But it hasn't bee real fun."

"You don't need a relationship to define who you are."

"Life is not about waiting for the storms to pass. It's about learning how to dance in the rain."

Social Media: The Relationship Destroyer

If you can't follow these 5 tips while on Facebook or Twitter, break up with your partner now, because it'll happen eventually.
  • Full Discloser: If you refuse to tell your partner what social networks you use, then you can't be trusted.
  • Trust: If you can't be friends with your partner on a social site, you can't be trusted.
  • The Past: If you think it's a great idea to interact with your ex's online, then you're setting the stage for trouble down the line.
  • Too Much Information: Step back before venting about how angry your spouse made you last night to everyone on Twitter and Facebook. Not smart. Call a friend instead (ya know, like we used to do in the oldin' days).
  • It's Permanent: Keep whatever you do online drama-free because what you post or upload is there forever.

Phoner: Do any of these hit home? Have they destroyed your relationship? What would you add?

Joke of the Day

...woman brought an old picture of her dead husband, wearing a hat, to the photographer. She wanted to know if the photographer could remove the hat from the picture. He convinced her he could easily do that, and asked her what side of his head her husband parted his hair on.

"I forgot," she said. "But you can see that for yourself when you take off his hat."

Surf This

Classic signs people post:

Check out the gallery here. Caution, many are NSFW!